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Software is fun. Mainly working on various Emacs packages, my config, or other random projects.


hass Control Home Assistant from within Emacs!

treebundel An opinionated workspace management package for Emacs using Git-worktrees

Orrient Overlay An overlay tool for the game Guild Wars 2 to show in-game markers and trails

Hexagonal Sand Sim A fun sand simulator using hexagons instead of pixels!

dotfiles The configuration of my system, if you care about that sorta thing.


Git-worktree workflow

2024 Apr 20
For as long as I can remember, I've tried to find a workflow that fits in my brain. I have usually settled with a massive ~/code directory, as we do, and try to manually manage the directories for whatever I'm working on. Often times I'd have multiple related projects cloned that would have to be merged together. Over time, this ends up being a massive, unmaintainable mess where I have to periodically spend time investigating old project directories and try to remember if anything in there was important before I blew it away to prune down the sheer amount of projects that have built up.


LUG presentations

The slides I used for the talks I've given at my local LUG, but in HTML form (thanks org-mode!)


2024 Apr 27
You don't need a lab Ben Whitley purplg.dev Why is self-host? Big service providers can and have lost your data. Requiring an internet connection to turn on your light while you're home is asinine. Privacy, of course. Is it expensive? No! But it can be if you like. My setup involves a $10/mo and $5/mo Linode VPS. One hosts my own Matrix (Synapse) server and an IRC bouncer and the other is other random small services like an always-online Syncthing peer.



2023 Mar 25
https://xkcd.com/378/ Interesting video on the history of Emacs: https://youtu.be/8dpnow-j000 Me Ben Whitley github.com/purplg Just someone who loves computers. I have a tendency to move fast (sorry!), so please remind me to slow down if I go too fast. What is Emacs? Emacs is a Lisp engine that was turned into an editor. The core is written in C but most of it is written in Emacs Lisp. This enables you to change pretty much anything about it at runtime.